Future Exhibitions


Strand Gallery
October 5, 2024 - January 5, 2025

Richard “Ricky” Armendariz
Dance of the Ghost Wolves /
Baile de Los Lobos Fantasmas

Dance of the Ghost Wolves / Baile de Los Lobos Fantasmas features work that continues Richard “Ricky” Armendariz’ exploration into the complex relationship between humans and animals. The exhibition is inspired by the existence and the genetic miracle of DNA from the once declared extinct red wolf (Canis rufus) being found in Galveston coyotes. Romanticism for the American landscape and the hybridization of Mexican, American, and Indigenous cultures has long provided context for Armendariz’ work. He combines printmaking, painting, and drawing techniques, woven with text from novels, poems, and song lyrics to explore themes of power dynamics, destiny, and the role chance plays in our lives. The genetic migration of this species offers a new frame for considering nature’s ability to adapt and survive.

Click here for more information.